We are so excited you are interested in 2024-2025 Competitive Company Tryouts!
Topic: DFS Company 101
Time: April 28th at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Midtown Studio, 1660 N. Monroe Street, Studio B
If you could not attend the April 28th meeting, please email us at info@dancefusiontallahassee.com to set a late tryout!
How do I know if my dancer is ready to audition to be a DFS Competitive Company dancer?
Do you have a dancer excited and ready to try new things?
Do you have a dancer ready to be involved more than the recreational dance class level?
Do you have a dancer interested in setting new goals for themselves within their dancing and performing?
Do you have a dancer willing to be a part of an awesome dance family and community committed to their growth as a dancer in and out of the dance studio?
Do you have a dancer that wants to have fun while bringing their dancing and performing to the next level?